Dynamiques électorales : Autocraties et luttes de pouvoir

Electoral dynamics in autocratic regimes and post-conflict democracies are far from straightforward. They shape not just the political landscape, but…

8 Min Read

Impôts et droits : La voie fiscale vers la justice sociale

Alors que le monde lutte contre l'inégalité économique, la synergie entre les politiques fiscales et les droits de l'homme émerge comme une force puissante

13 Min Read

ONG maritimes : Élargissant la liberté d'expression

Maritime NGOs' search and rescue operations not only save lives but also serve as a form of freedom of expression,…

11 Min Read

Populisme en Amérique latine

Beyond simplistic views of populism, Latin America showcases a tapestry of political shades. Unraveling them demands looking beyond the evident…

13 Min Read

Politically Speaking Art in Albania: Echoes of Dissent and Duality

Politically speaking art in Albania navigates the intricate landscape of state propaganda and public dissent, offering a unique lens into…

13 Min Read

Droits humains et le droit à un environnement sain

The fight for an autonomous right to a healthy environment is reshaping the landscape of human rights and posing critical…

12 Min Read

Déverrouiller la justice : Faire évoluer le droit pour un monde superdivers

Dans une ère de diversité sans précédent, la nécessité d'une loi constitutionnelle adaptable n'a jamais été aussi critique.

10 Min Read

Liberté d'expression vs foi : L'arrêt controversé de la CEDH

The recent European Court of Human Rights ruling on an Austrian woman's controversial comments has set the stage for a…

11 Min Read

Générations futures : Un appel à l'action

The book explores the urgent imperative of safeguarding the rights and prosperity of future generations while delving into strategies for…

4 Min Read

Manga Politics: Gender Norms in Japanese Artistry

Manga, often dismissed as mere comic art, serves a much deeper function as a cultural artifact. It acts as a…

14 Min Read

L'exclusion marquée par la droite populiste envers l'Autre

The Populist Right, with parties like Vox in Spain and Lega in Italy, has adopted a rhetoric that not only…

10 Min Read

De Dylan à Beyoncé : Le rôle de la musique pop dans le changement social

The relationship between pop music and politics is a dynamic and indispensable one. It's a testament to the power of…

10 Min Read

AI in Politics: Navigating the Ethical Minefield

In the realm of AI in politics, citizens' views and democratic ideals intersect, revealing nuanced support and skepticism

9 Min Read

Jeunes australiens engagés : Pionniers de la justice climatique

Australian youth are at the forefront of climate advocacy, driving change through influential organizations and championing a sustainable future for…

6 Min Read

Démêler l'extrême droite

The book makes a significant contribution to public discourse by offering clarity and depth, making it a must-read for anyone…

6 Min Read

Droits autochtones dans le sillage de la mobilisation russe

Amidst the vast geopolitical shifts of military mobilization, Russia's indigenous communities navigate a landscape of challenges, striving to preserve their…

7 Min Read

AI in Political Advertising: Innovative Strategies

While AI offers groundbreaking possibilities for political advertising, it also introduces a host of ethical dilemmas.

7 Min Read

Racial and Gender Disparities in Juvenile Pretrial Detention

In the pursuit of a fair and equitable society, the juvenile justice system remains a glaring area of concern. Particularly…

11 Min Read

Femmes âgées : Dévoilez et défendez la douleur cachée

Alors que la société célèbre souvent la jeunesse et le progrès, la vérité troublante sur les abus domestiques contre les femmes âgées reste cachée.

6 Min Read

Human Rights in ‘Money Heist’: A Reality Check

The Spanish series "Money Heist" ("La Casa de Papel") achieves more than just keeping audiences on the edge of their…

12 Min Read

From Play to Politics: Gaming’s Uncharted Social Realms

Video games, as with all media, reflect and shape our society. Recognizing their role in political discourse is crucial as…

8 Min Read

Liberté religieuse et liberté d'expression dans un monde multiculturel

Accommodationism challenges us to reevaluate the boundaries between religious freedom and free speech in our increasingly diverse societies. It pushes…

17 Min Read

Défis contemporains de la liberté académique

Navigating the complex landscape of academic freedom has never been more challenging. Researchers confront political pressures, public harassment, and hidden…

12 Min Read

La lutte cachée pour l'expression en Éthiopie

In an era where the internet has become the new battleground for human rights, Ethiopia stands as a compelling case…

10 Min Read

Garder la liberté d'expression : Ingérence gouvernementale et désinformation

As governments wield significant power over public discourse, their influence on freedom of expression serves as a litmus test for…

11 Min Read

Le prix de l'amour : L'iniquité silencieuse du Zimbabwe

Dans une société qui s'efforce d'atteindre l'égalité des genres, les lois sur le prix de la mariée au Zimbabwe révèlent une couche cachée de discrimination systémique contre les femmes.

13 Min Read

Academic Awakening: Universities’ Daring Drive for Civic Values

Universities are more than educational hubs; they're catalysts for societal transformation.

8 Min Read

K-Pop: A Symphony of Global Power, Politics, and Heart

In a world where soft power is increasingly influential, K-Pop reminds us of the importance of cultural exchange, mutual respect,…

10 Min Read

Democracy in the AI Era: Data-Driven Politics and Emerging Challenges

While AI promises to revolutionize the political domain, its integration must be approached with caution and foresight. The balance between…

9 Min Read

Les Néo-Nazis défient la démocratie aux États-Unis

While groups like the Proud Boys face challenges, their ideologies persist, hinting at a potential shift in the U.S. political…

4 Min Read

Politics & Pop Culture: The Revolutionary Dance of Influence

This synergy between politics and pop culture is reshaping our societal narrative. It's fostering a world where information is democratized,…

9 Min Read

Prédire les conflits avec l'IA : Une nouvelle frontière dans le maintien de la paix

As technology advances, the capabilities of AI will grow, offering more nuanced and accurate insights into potential global flashpoints.

8 Min Read

Crimes au nom du profit : Dévoiler les luttes des militants

To address this crisis effectively, it is imperative that nations, organizations, and individuals alike come together in a spirit of…

15 Min Read

Automation’s Tug: Labor Policies & Ethics in a Digital Era

The allure of technological advancements, with their promise of efficiency and innovation, often contrasts with the very human concerns of…

12 Min Read

From Vandalism to Voice: The Revolutionary Power of Urban Murals

The transformation of street art from an act of rebellion to a legitimate form of political expression has been seismic.…

10 Min Read

AI and Diplomacy: Steering Global Relations in the Digital Age

As diplomacy embraces the digital age, the harmonious integration of artificial intelligence and human insight becomes vital, ensuring that tradition…

7 Min Read

Decoding Portugal’s Populist Pulse: A New Dawn for Democracy

Recognizing the sentiments of the masses allows for more informed and empathetic policy-making. It underscores the need for policies that…

11 Min Read

IA éthique : Équilibrer transparence, droits et futurs technologiques

The promising future of AI is not a distant dream. It's an attainable goal, achievable through ethical diligence, regulatory oversight,…

8 Min Read

Citoyens déplacés d'Ukraine : Pourquoi l'aide juridique est une bouée de sauvetage, et non un luxe

The plight of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine is a subject that has garnered international attention but still remains…

7 Min Read

Journalistes kurdes : La lutte méconnue pour la liberté d'expression

Unlike journalists from recognized nations, Kurdish reporters operate in a vacuum of political legitimacy. The plight of Kurdish journalists is…

5 Min Read

Le militantisme numérique : Une nouvelle frontière pour les droits de l'homme

Digital activism has become a powerful tool for mobilizing collective action. The Fridays For Future (FFF) movement, led predominantly by…

12 Min Read

Droits autochtones au Brésil : une perspective multiculturelle

In the pursuit of a more just and inclusive world, the multicultural conception of human rights offers a path forward,…

5 Min Read

Le développement en tant que droit humain : Un impératif démocratique

The concept of human rights is continually evolving. One of the most profound shifts in this landscape is the recognition…

5 Min Read

La réaction aux droits LGBTI au Brésil et en Colombie

The struggle for LGBTI recognition in Brazil and Colombia stands as a testament to both progress and resistance. The legal…

4 Min Read

La lutte de Kirkuk : Un reflet des droits humains

The human rights situation in Kirkuk is not just a local issue; it’s a reflection of global challenges and the…

4 Min Read

Myanmar : Abus de droits vs. souveraineté

In the complex world of international relations, principles often find themselves at odds. One such principle, the notion of non-interference,…

4 Min Read

Le chemin des droits civiques : Une exploration historique

Notre mission était de traverser les États-Unis du nord au sud, de Chicago à La Nouvelle-Orléans, pour découvrir les...

6 Min Read

La voie du Nigeria : Diversité, droits et unité nationale

The challenge of managing ethnic diversity is not unique to any one nation. However, in Nigeria, a country rich in…

5 Min Read

Courage au milieu du chaos : Droits reproductifs aux États-Unis

La révocation des droits à l'avortement a anéanti les droits des femmes à l'autonomie corporelle, à la maternité désirée et à un traitement médical digne.

5 Min Read