Archives : Episodes

La psychologie politique du nativisme : Peur, identité, pouvoir


In this episode, we unpack the psychological foundations of nativism, exploring how fear, identity, and group dynamics drive exclusionary political…

Qui paie le prix de la violence environnementale ?


In this episode, we examine the concept of environmental violence as a pressing human rights issue. Inspired by the article…

Comment l’extrême droite a transformé l’UE en une arme politique


In this episode, we unpack the surprising relationship between far-right parties and the European Union, exploring how these groups transformed…

Perpétrateurs : Perspectives sur le côté sombre de l’humanité


In this episode, we examine the complex realities of perpetrators of mass violence, exploring who they are, how they justify…

Comprendre le piège du populisme


In this episode, we examine the compelling ideas presented in the article "The Populism Trap: Discontents and Challenges to Democracy,"…

Technologies numériques et activisme climatique


In this episode, we explore the thought-provoking ideas presented in the article "Digital Technologies and Climate Activism" published in Politics…

L'héritage des révolutionnaires haïtiens


This episode discusses the article by Yale professor Marlene L. Daut, exploring the complex narratives surrounding the Haitian Revolution and…

La révolution de la sociologie féministe


In this episode, we take a deep dive into the transformative ideas presented in the article "The Necessary Revolution in…

L’avortement en Amérique : Une histoire politique


This episode explores the history of abortion pills in the United States and their significant impact on reproductive rights. We…

La justice pénale affaiblit-elle la démocratie américaine ?


In this episode, we explore how the criminal justice system has shaped and potentially undermined American democracy. Drawing on the…