Etiqueta: Democracia

Dive into our Democracy section for insightful analysis on democratic governance, rights, and participation. Join the debate on shaping our future.

La peligrosa reelección del "dictador más guay"

Facing a choice between safety and human rights, El Salvador opts for…

Lectura 11 min.

Agentes provocadores: Erosionando la democracia y la libertad de expresión

In the core of liberal democracies, agents provocateurs stealthily infiltrate political groups…

Lectura 13 min.

Elecciones autocráticas: Descifrando el autoritarismo moderno

The book delves into the intricate world of autocratic regimes, shedding light…

Lectura 14 min.

Teorías globales de la democracia: Remodelando la autoridad política

Global democracy theories critically examine the collective mechanisms shaping political authority. These…

Lectura 19 min.

Bots de IA y verdad: Navegando el desafío digital de la democracia

Our democracies, built on the bedrock of informed choice and trust, are…

Lectura 11 min.

Ley climática: El papel del poder judicial en un teatro democrático

Courts are increasingly pivotal in shaping climate law, balancing judicial intervention with…

Lectura 11 min.

Gobernanza de la IA: Imperativos éticos y democráticos

El rápido desarrollo de la IA despierta debates éticos y democráticos urgentes en diversos sectores.

Lectura 13 min.

Diversidad religiosa: La urgencia de un cambio post-secular

Embracing a post-secular paradigm is not just necessary but urgent for managing…

Lectura 12 min.

Polarización en la era digital: La democracia en una encrucijada

As digital platforms and political leaders amplify divisions, the erosion of democratic…

Lectura 16 min.

AI in Politics: Navigating the Ethical Minefield

In the realm of AI in politics, citizens' views and democratic ideals…

Lectura 9 min.

Desentrañando la derecha radical

The book makes a significant contribution to public discourse by offering clarity…

Lectura 6 min.

AI in Political Advertising: Innovative Strategies

While AI offers groundbreaking possibilities for political advertising, it also introduces a…

Lectura 7 min.