Raphael Cohen-Almagor

Ph.D. in Political Theory from the University of Oxford. Professor of Politics and Founding Director of the Middle East Study Centre at the University of Hull in the UK; Global Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington DC; and President of The Association for Israel Studies (AIS). He has published 19 books and more than 2,000 papers and blogs in the fields of politics, philosophy, media ethics, medical ethics, law, sociology, history, and poetry. His notable works include 'The Scope of Tolerance' (2006) and 'Confronting the Internet's Dark Side' (2015). He is currently writing 'Resolving the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict' (Cambridge University Press, 2025).
3 Articles

Laïcité’s Veil: French Identity in Debate

The contentious legislation banning the burqa and niqab is examined as a manifestation of the tensions between upholding secular unity…

14 Min Read

Just, Reasonable Multiculturalism Theory: A Liberal Perspective

Fostering harmony between cultural diversity and democratic values enhances social cohesion and promotes mutual respect in multicultural societies.

16 Min Read

Speech, Dignity and Offense: A Critical Examination

Balancing free speech and human dignity demands a nuanced approach that cherishes open dialogue while guarding against deeply offensive expressions.

9 Min Read