
Alain-G. Gagnon 2 Articles
President of the Royal Society of Canada, Canadian Research Chair in Quebec and Canadian Studies, Director of the Center for Political Analysis: Constitution and Federalism, and Full Professor at the Department of Political Science, UQAM, Montreal.
Ammar Azzouz 1 Article
British Academy Research Fellow at University of Oxford. He is the author of Domicide: Architecture, War and the Destruction of Home in Syria (Bloomsbury, 2023). Azzouz is the Principal Investigator of Slow Violence and the City, a research project that examines the impact of violence on the built environment at the time of war and peace. He has written for a wide range of platforms including the New York Times, the Guardian, and the New Statesman.
Ana Bochicchio 1 Article
Ph.D. in History from the University of Buenos Aires. Professor at the National University of Tierra del Fuego and Assistant Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET). She specializes in the study of 20th-century racism in the United States, focusing on white supremacy and its connections to Christianity.
Anja Hennig 1 Article
PhD in Comparative Politics at European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany. Her work focuses on religion and illiberal politics in Europe, with a particular emphasis on Catholicism and anti-gender movements, Polish-German relations, and more recently, illiberal environment and climate politics.
Professor of Legal History at the University of Valencia. Educated at the University of Cambridge, Harvard, Max-Planck Institute, among other prestigious universities. He has published around thirty books and over a hundred academic articles. Director of the Institute for Social, Political, and Legal Studies. Former president of the European Society for Comparative Legal History and A.C. of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation. Vice-president of the Universitas Foundation and co-founder of "Free Thinkers."
Anthony Sanders 1 Article
Director of the Center for Judicial Engagement (CJE) at the Institute for Justice and a senior attorney. He is the author of the book Baby Ninth Amendments: How Americans Embraced Unenumerated Rights and Why It Matters, published by University of Michigan Press. He has written extensively on state constitutional law, unenumerated rights, judicial review, economic liberty, property rights, international law, and other subjects.
Assistant Professor of Political Science at Yale-NUS College in Singapore. His publications include Democracy despite Itself: Liberal Constitutionalism and Militant Democracy (Oxford University Press, 2024) and Carl Schmitt’s State and Constitutional Theory: A Critical Analysis (Oxford University Press, 2018).
Cécile Fabre 1 Article
Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Oxford, affiliated with the Faculty of Philosophy, the Department of Politics and International Relations, and Nuffield College, Oxford. She is also a Senior Research Fellow at All Souls College, Oxford. Her research interests include theories of distributive justice, the philosophy of democracy, just war theory, and the ethics of foreign policy, with particular focus on the ethics of economic statecraft and espionage.
Lecturer at Crown College, University of California at Santa Cruz. He works in the Cultural Studies of Science and Technology writing about postmodern war, cyborgization, artificial intelligence and the viral, among other topics.
Doan Dani 4 Articles
PhD in History from the Université de Turin, with a specialization in the intersection of religion and politics, and expertise in Albanian historiography.
Professor of Law at the University of Deusto (Bilbao), he has been vice-rector, dean of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, and director of the Human Rights Institute. He advised the Basque Ombudsman, led an NGO for immigrant rights, served on the Spanish Council for Integration of Migrants and the Scientific Committee of Religious Pluralism, and participated in Council of Europe missions. His research focuses on integration policies, national conflicts, minority rights, and the intersection of human rights with religious, linguistic, and cultural diversity.
Emily S. Lee 1 Article
Professor of Philosophy at California State University, Fullerton, she specializes in feminist philosophy, philosophy of race, and phenomenology. Her research has focused on phenomenology and epistemology, particularly concerning the embodiment of women of color. She is the author of A Phenomenology for Women of Color: Merleau-Ponty and Identity-in-Difference (2024) and the editor of Living Alterities: Phenomenology, Embodiment, and Race (2014) and Race as Phenomena: Between Phenomenology and Philosophy of Race (2019).
Erika Serfontein 1 Article
Professor in Law at North West University, Johannesburg.
Researcher in peace and development studies at the University of Gothenburg and associate of the authority research group at the Max Planck Institute of Comparative Public Law and International Law. He writes about human rights, activism, political violence, populism, the liberal order, and transformations of capitalism, among other topics.
Professor of Philosophy of Science and Technology at Universita’ di Napoli Federico II in Italy. His research interests focus on ELSE (Ethical, Legal, and SocioEconomic) issues arising in the context of AI, human-computer, and human-robot interactions.
Hillary Kaell 1 Article
Ph.D., Harvard University. Associate Professor of Anthropology and Religion at McGill University, Canada, holding the William Dawson Chair. She edited 'Everyday Sacred: Religion in Contemporary Quebec' (2017) and authored 'Christian Globalism at Home: Child Sponsorship in the United States' (2020), which won the 2021 Schaff Prize. She also leads TERA (Technology, Ecology, Religion, Art), a collective of scholars and artists.
Professor Emeritus of Contemporary History at the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (Paris-Saclay University). He co-founded and directed the Center for Cultural History of Contemporary Societies. Author of numerous books on the history of books, publishing, and reading, he has been translated into many languages.
Jessica Almqvist 1 Article
Professor of International Law and Human Rights at the University of Lund and Research Fellow at the Elcano Royal Institute for International and Strategic Studies in Madrid. She holds a Ph.D. in Law from the European University Institute in Florence. She also has a graduate diploma in political science from UC Berkeley and has been a Visiting Scholar at Columbia Law School. Her main research interests include the theory and practice of human rights, international adjudication, and collective security.
John Suarez 1 Article
Executive Director of the Center for a Free Cuba. Mr. Suárez was a program officer for Latin America Programs at Freedom House. He has testified on human rights issues in Cuba before the U.S. Congress and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in Washington, DC. He has also addressed both the United Nations Human Rights Commission and its successor, the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva.
Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Purdue University, specializing in moral and political philosophy, ethics of data science, and the history of practical philosophy. He also teaches in the college’s Cornerstone Program. Previously, he held research positions at the University of New Orleans and Wellesley College. He earned his Ph.D. from UC San Diego. His first book, Private Censorship, was recently published by Oxford University Press.
Full Professor of Sociology at the School of Law, National University of Córdoba, and tenured researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), Argentina.
Julia Itel 1 Article
PhD Candidate in Religious Studies at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, specializing in ecospirituality.
Karel J. Leyva 34 Articles
Ph.D. in Political Philosophy (Université Paris Sciences et Lettres). Associate Researcher at the University of Montreal, specializing in political theory and pluralism. Editor-in-Chief of Politics and Rights Review.
Faculty Fellow at the University of King’s College, Halifax. She earned her PhD from Queen’s University and has lectured at Carleton University and Heritage CEGEP. She published Ecological Ethics and the Philosophy of Simone Weil: Decreation for the Anthropocene (2024) and co-edited Unprecedented Conversations: The Political Philosophy of Weil and Hannah Arendt with Bloomsbury (2024). She has also published several chapters and peer-reviewed articles on thinkers including Weil, Arendt, Jean-Luc Marion, Edith Stein, Richard Kearney, Plato, Vivekananda, and Hans-Georg Gadamer.
Kazushi Minami 1 Article
Associate Professor at the Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University. Author of 'People’s Diplomacy: How Americans and Chinese Transformed U.S.-China Relations during the Cold War' (Cornell University Press, 2024). He earned a Ph.D. in History from the University of Texas at Austin.
Principal investigator at the Institute for Modern Japanese Studies at Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf, Germany. Leads the DFG-funded project "Sexual Diversity and Human Rights in 21st Century Japan: LGBTQ+ Activisms and Resistance from a Transnational Perspective". Holds a Ph.D. in Gender Studies from the University of Sussex, specializing in nationalism, queer politics, and LGBTQ+ issues in Japan.
Kehbuma Langmia 1 Article
Fulbright Scholar and Chair of the Department of Communication Studies at Howard University, Dr. Langmia specializes in ICT, intercultural communication, Black Diaspora Communication Theory, and Afrocentricity. He has authored 18 books and numerous articles and chapters. He has received the NCA Orlando Taylor Distinguished Research Scholar Award (2020) and the Toyin Falola Africa Book Award (2017). He has served as a visiting scholar at Daystar University, Kenya, and Makerere University, Uganda. His recent publications include Black Lives and Digiculturalism (2021), Paradise of Love and Pain (2022), and Decolonizing Communication Studies (2022).
Lauren Strumos 1 Article
PhD Candidate in Religious Studies at the University of Ottawa, Canada, specializing in Nonreligion.
Research Fellow and Lecturer at the Postgraduate Programme in Law at the Federal University of Pará (Brazil), and Research Associate in the Department of Law and Anthropology at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology (Germany).
Associate Professor of Comparative Politics at the Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo. His research interests include comparative political economy, autocratic politics, democratization, and Central Asia. His first book, The Dictator’s Dilemma at the Ballot Box (University of Michigan Press, 2022) received several academic awards. He earned a Ph.D. in Political Science at Michigan State University.
Masaya Kobayashi 3 Articles
Dean of the Graduate School of Social Sciences and professor of Political Philosophy, Public Philosophy, and Comparative Politics at Chiba University, Japan. He serves as Director of the Japanese Positive Health Psychology Society and head of the Research Center on Public Affairs. Previously a research fellow at the University of Tokyo and a visiting scholar and Bye-Fellow at Cambridge University, his expertise spans political philosophy, positive psychology, public policy, and comparative thought.
Massimo Palma 1 Article
Professor of Political Philosophy at Suor Orsola Benincasa University in Naples, Italy, specializing in 20th-century German philosophy and literature.
Mathieu Colin 2 Articles
Postdoctoral researcher at the UNESCO-PREV Chair, University of Sherbrooke, specializing in the study of radical ideologies.
Matt Qvortrup 1 Article
Professor of Political Science at Coventry University. Having originally studied neuroscience, he gained a doctorate in Political Science at Oxford University. His most recent book is The Political Brain: The Emergence of Neuropolitics (CEU Press 2024).
Matthijs Lok 1 Article
Senior lecturer in Modern European History at the University of Amsterdam's Department of History and European Studies. He was a senior fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (2019-2020) and recently held visiting positions in Göttingen and Leuven. He authored Windvanen (Prometheus, 2009) and Europe Against Revolution (OUP, 2023). He also edited volumes on Antiliberal Internationalism (Routledge, forthcoming), Atlantic Monarchisms (2 vols., Bloomsbury, 2024), Cosmopolitan Conservatisms (Brill, 2021), The Politics of Moderation (Palgrave, 2019), and Eurocentrism in European History and Memory (AUP, 2019).
Mattia Bottino 1 Article
PhD Candidate in Public Governance and Policy at the University of Bologna. Junior Researcher at Eurac Research, Bolzano/Bozen, specializing in Latin American deliberative democracy.
Michael Davis 1 Article
Global Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Senior Research Scholar at Columbia University's Weatherhead East Asia Institute, and Professor of Law and International Affairs at O.P. Jindal Global University. Maintains research affiliations with NYU and Notre Dame, and has served as a visiting professor at Northwestern, Notre Dame, and Case Western. His scholarship focuses on human rights and constitutionalism in emerging states and is extensively published. Educated at Yale University, University of California, and Ohio State University. For further information, see :
Full Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Trento, Italy, specializing in political theology and the works of Carl Schmitt. Former President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.
Professor of International Politics at Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo, Japan, and Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (FRGS) in the U.K. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from Sciences Po Paris and a Ph.D. in Political Sciences from Waseda University. His research interests include international justice theory, international security, humanitarian intervention, and geopolitics. With cross-regional expertise, he has conducted extensive field research in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and the United States.
Senior Scientist at the University of Innsbruck, Department of Applied Sociology of Law and Criminology (Vienna, Austria). Previously, she was a Senior Social Researcher at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Fundamental and Human Rights in Vienna, Austria. Her research focuses on anti-discrimination and equality, climate change-related migration and displacement, and human rights in the context of climate change.
Assistant professor of U.S. history at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, he published The Nature of the Religious Right: The Struggle Between Conservative Evangelicals and the Environmental Movement with Cornell University Press in 2022. This book provides the first historical account of how white conservative evangelicals of the Religious Right came to oppose environmental protection. He is currently researching the intersection of religious faith and consumer culture.
Nivedita Menon 1 Article
Professor at Centre for Comparative Politics and Political Theory, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi. Her latest book is Secularism as Misdirection: Critical Thought from the Global South (DUP 2024). Author of several books on feminism and politics, she is a regular commentator on contemporary issues on the collective blog (of which she is one of the founders) and is active in democratic politics in India. She has translated fiction and non-fiction from Hindi and Malayalam into English, and from Malayalam into Hindi, and received the AK Ramanujan Award for translation instituted by Katha.
Ph.D. in Political Theory from the University of Oxford. Professor of Politics and Founding Director of the Middle East Study Centre at the University of Hull in the UK; Global Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington DC; and President of The Association for Israel Studies (AIS). He has published 19 books and more than 2,000 papers and blogs in the fields of politics, philosophy, media ethics, medical ethics, law, sociology, history, and poetry. His notable works include 'The Scope of Tolerance' (2006) and 'Confronting the Internet's Dark Side' (2015). He is currently writing 'Resolving the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict' (Cambridge University Press, 2025).
Associate Professor of International Relations and Program Chair at Leiden University's Institute for History, he focuses on international human rights norms, global security, and U.S. foreign policy. A Dutch scholar with Filipino roots, he was educated in Germany and the United States. His widely published research has earned accolades such as the 2023 Cecil B. Currey Book Award and the 2023-2024 Best Book in Human Rights - Honorable Mention from the International Studies Association. He has held research fellowships at Yale University, the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study, and the Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity.
Saskia Stucki 5 Articles
Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg). She was a visiting scholar at the Harvard Animal Law & Policy Program and the coordinator of the doctoral program Law and Animals at the University of Basel. She serves on the advisory board of the Cambridge Centre for Animal Rights Law and the editorial board of the Journal of Animal Law, Ethics and One Health. Her research focuses on animal law, animal rights, human rights, legal theory, environmental law, climate mainstreaming, and good food governance.
Sophie Toupin 1 Article
Sophie Toupin is a professor at Université Laval, specializing in the intersection of communication studies, information technology, and critical international development.
Sparsha Saha 1 Article
Ph.D., Harvard University. Lecturer in the Department of Government at Harvard University, her research focuses on political behavior, employing experiments to explore voter reactions to political emphasis on meat consumption, animal rights, and similar subjects. Recognized as Harvard’s South Asian Woman of the Year in 2022, her work contributes to understanding the nuanced interplay between political advocacy and public response.
Tiziana Faitini 1 Article
Assistant Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Trento, Italy, her latest book, 'Shaping the Profession: Towards a Genealogy of Professional Ethics,' explores the concept of work and the evolving role of professionals.
International Relations student specializing in Latin America at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences (Germany). Junior Consultant for the public sector in Development Cooperation.